佳华“中国汉语行”夏令营“Journey to China” Summer Camp

除“寻根之旅”夏令营外,佳华学校还参加国内一个全新打造的夏令营——“中国汉语行”夏令营。“中国汉语行”夏令营由蒙特利尔佳华学校和魁北克孔子学院联合组织,办法和要求如下:参加者必须是15-19岁青少年,努力学习汉语,热爱中华文化。汉语属初级水平,能进行简单交流。“中国汉语行”夏令营由中国孔子学院总部和国家汉办接待, 一般在国内到访三个省市,边旅游参观,边学习汉语。“Journey to China” is a brand new trip based summer camp program. Jia Hua School of Montreal and Confucius Institute in Quebec will jointly organize and participate in this specially designed summer camp, which will help and facilitate young people to experience China and to learn Chinese in a most desirable setting. Applicants must be between 15 and 19 years old, love Chinese culture and must be interested in learning Chinese, and proven to be so. Chinese fluency is not required. Successful candidates, however, are those who have taken insufficient amount of Chinese lessons, acquired only basic Chinese language skills.