佳华主题夏令营Theme Summer Camp


佳华主题夏令营一般从6月底开始,8月中旬结束,通常8周。夏令营地点在道森学院(Dawson College),环境优美,安全,方便。



乒乓球夏令营旨在提高孩子们的综合素质,如眼脑与手脚的协调能力,体力与耐力的消耗与储存,培养竞争与互助意识,个人与团队的合作精神等等。我们的教育理念是——-让孩子们德智体美全面发展。 开营与闭营:夏季7月—8月,共8个星期。 


时间  /  星期



基础概论 基础概论 基础概论 基础概论 基础概论 休息


午休 午休 午休 午休 午休 休息


训练 训练 训练 训练 阶段比赛 休息

1. 上午课程由乒乓球历史轶事,基本动作理论讲解和无球挥拍练习组成。
2. 基础概论包括接发球,搓球,推挡,抽球,拉球等。每天具体内容依学员掌握情况而定。
3. 下午训练由学员互相练习,教练和学员互动练习组成。
4. 具体安排可能还会依学员要求调整。 


佳华学校2011年 新概念少儿美术夏令营

前  言

著名画家吴冠中说过:“现在社会上美盲太多了,美盲要比文盲多。”什么是美盲? 就是审美缺陷。审美是一种能力,是一种素质,它不是天生的,审美能力需要培养,儿童美术教育是审美的启蒙。
毕 加索有句名言:“每个孩子都是天生的艺术家”,他的话有两层意思:一,每个孩子都具备艺术家的潜质,但家长及教师必须善于开发孩子的艺术潜质,早期的美术 启蒙教育就尤为重要了。二,孩子一旦画画,他们的想像如天马行空,大胆自由,他们的画作充满童趣,有时令成熟的画家自叹不如。毕加索的话,并非是说所有的 孩子都会成为艺术家,但通过艺术的教育,使孩子们具有一定的艺术素质和修养,是早期美术教育的目的,儿童美术教育确实是可以开发,值得深入研究的早教领 域。

--余 鹏





【课程表】时间: 7月—8月。开课第一天,教师向学生介绍课程内容和要求;在家长监督下,学生须完成所有布置的作业,以跟上教学进度
上午:09:00 ~ 10:30  绘画课
10:40 ~ 12:00  绘画课
下午:13:00 ~ 14:00  艺术欣赏课
14:00 ~ 15:00 体育活动
15:00 ~ 16:00 人文课(民间故事、唐诗宋词)






 Each Summer, Jia Hua School of Montreal runs a new series of summer program programs called “Theme Summer Camp”. This is because we firmly believe that creativity and imagination are as crucial as maths and language skills in our kids’ education. We further believe that summer months should not only be filled with fun and enjoyment, but also be the period when children are able to learn, to explore and even to grasp something usually lacking during regular school days, but extremely important in the development of children’s intellectual and physical well-being. Here are the five new “Theme Camps” for you to consider and many more are coming:

Yu Peng’s New Concept Children Art Camp
Albert Einstein once said: ”Imagination is more important than knowledge”. Yu Peng is a firm believer of this philosophy. Graduated from Central China Normal University, he has been in the fore front of children visual art education for many years, both in China and in Canada. His teaching technique is, as he puts it, something out of the ordinary, in a way, more emphasizing on setting stages for child’s imagination rather than telling them what to think and what to draw. So, join Yu Peng this summer and see how he is going to assist and encourage children to observe, to feel and to create beauty through a work of art.

Zhi Mei’s Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Camp
If you prefer your child spending this summer in a rather unique way by exploring a very different and foreign art form, how about participating Zhi Mei’s Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Camp and to learn how to paint and draw with a round tipped brush, the Chinese way. Zhi Mei is a true master of Chinese painting education. She taught at Faculty of Art, Sichuan University and has been an art teacher at Jia Hua for many years. It is guaranteed that through 8 weeks of intensive learning and practising, your child will be able to show you some works you can never imagine a child can do.

Xiao Ren’s Go Chess Camp
Go Chess is described as another jewel on the crown of ancient Chinese culture. How long it has been played and by how many people today? It is not easy to know. Some say Go Chess, created in China more than 4000 years ago, has always been the past time activity in history and is today played by tens of millions in China and around world. Xiao Ren was a professional Go Chess player and held the 5th Duan grade, also served as head coach for the China National Youth Go Chess Team before coming to Canada.  Today, she is one of the handful top professional players and Go Chess educators in North America.

Ai Min’s Ping Pong Camp
Ping pong is considered as the national game in China simply because this country dominates the sport in the world for decades and is the most vastly participated sport in China as well. Ai Min used to coach the Zhejiang Provincial Ping Pong Team, and at Jia Hua, he devotes all his efforts as to promote the sport and to train young and enthusiastic Ping Pong lovers. His goal is to promote this popular sport to the level that one day, Jia Hua Ping Pong Team will be able to compete not only in the province, but in the country, and even in China.

Intensive  English and French Camp
As English proverb “Practice makes perfect” goes, there is no short cut in learning a language. If you want to improve your child’s English or French effectively, joining an intensive summer camp, which devotes all the effort helping children in the language training, is the best way. Jia Hua has teachers with tremendous experience and dedication and results is guaranteed.