



  1. 如有近期刚从国内探亲回来的家长或同学,务必请自我隔离两周。确认没有任何不适后,再返学校上课。
  2. 即使没有回国,如家长自己或孩子出现任何发热,咳嗽,恶心呕吐等症状的,也请暂时不要来学校。
  3. 今年本地的流感也很猖獗,请各位多加注意防范,保持良好的卫生习惯,用消毒洗手液勤洗手。



佳华学校 2020/01/26

January 26, 2020

Dear parents and students:

As we are just entering a new year, Year of the Rat and Jia Hua School is all ready to begin a new semester, the developing situation of the coronavirus(nCoV)epidemic in China and the fact that confirmed cases were reported in the North America have led us to make an important decision.

The school will postpone all classes for one week and the new semester will start on Feb. 8. At the mean time, we would like to invite you to take the following precautionary measures:

  1. Students who have recently returned from visiting relatives in China should be quarantined at home for two weeks. After confirming that there is no symptoms, return to school to rejoin classes.
  2. Regardless whether your child was visiting China or not, refrain from coming to school if he or she shows symptoms of fever, coughing, nausea and vomiting etc.
  3. Safeguard yourself by keeping good hygiene, washing hands more often as this year’s localized flu season is also severe and critical.
    For the safety of learning environment at our school, your effort is highly appreciated.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Jia Hua School of Montreal